About humanistic counselling
Humanistic psychology seeks to understand an individual's unique lived experience of the world, and focuses on the impact of thoughts, feelings and self-perception.
It places emphasis on the positive aspects of human nature and the belief that we are all capable of positive change and growth, whatever shape or form that might take.
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change”
Carl Rogers (1902-1987), Humanistic Psychologist
Humanistic counselling therefore focuses on the 'here and now' and on building self-awareness, self-compassion and resilience - seeking to empower individuals to take responsibility for their wellbeing and for creating a fulfilling life.
The relationship between therapist and client is a collaborative one, without hierarchy and - perhaps unlike our well meaning family and friends - therapists are skilled in listening objectively (without judgement, bias or agenda) and in offering unconditional support.
counselling can be many things…
feeling comfortable enough to explore & challenge your inner world, core beliefs and to nurture self worth
learning to be curious, congruent & confident
an opportunity to look to the future & start making positive change
support during or after a difficult life event or milestone
- An opportunity to pause, observe and reflect
a chance to explore past trauma or childhood experiences
being supported in the depths of depression, anxiety or grief without fear of judgement
If you think you might be interested in counselling, or simply have a question, please feel free to get in touch. You can click on the button below, text, call or email and I will respond as soon as I can.